Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

8th Toys and Comics Fair

All you need to know about this year Jakarta 8th Toys and Comic Fair:

tahun ini di TF akan diselenggarakan Cosplay Village dimana di cosplay village bakalan ada workshop mengenai:
1. Costume making / Armor forming
2. Make Up Princess or Beauty
3. Make Up Horor
4. Hair Styling ( Wig or real hair )
5. Cosplay Photography

dimana para narasumber workshop ini adalah orang2x yg sudah lama berkecimpung di dunia Cosplay, special effect.

selain itu juga bakalan ada yang namanya The Fallen Heroes Corner adalah Pertama kali di Indonesia dimana tempat yang disediakan oleh Team IndoCosplay.com dan Panitia Cosplay Village khusus buat teman2x yang pengen ngejual Costume, Property, and Accesoris Cosplay dapat dilakukan disini dengan sistem titip jual, dimana panitia akan mengenakan 20% komisi setiap item dari harga jual Costume, Property, and Accesoris Cosplay .

Harga jual costume sebesar Rp. 200.000,-
Komisi 20 % dari harga costume
maka harga jual Costume menjadi Rp. 240.000

Fasilitas dari The Fallen Heroes Corner adalah:
1. Team Sale
2. Display Costume, Property, and Accesoris Cosplay selama event Cosplay Village berlangsung
3. Manekin ( jumlahnya terbatas )

Berikut ini adalah hal yang harus dilakukan oleh Cosplayer yang akan mengunakan fasilitas di The Fallen Heroes Corner:
1. menyerahkan foto Costume, Property, and Accesoris Cosplay
2. Memberikan harga jual
3. menyiapkan bungkus baju plastik / sejenisnya
4. menyerahkan barang yg mau di jual kepada kami paling lambat H-1 sebelum Cosplay Village yaitu tanggal 09 Maret 2012

Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi:
- Akhmad Pompom di 08561049350

dan tentu saja ada Cosplay Contest dimana tahun ini mengunakan nama Cosplay Showdown @ Cosplay Village - Jakarta 8th Toys and Comic Fair 2012

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012, start Jam 18.00wib - selesai

Kategori : The Battle Royal

Biaya Registrasi: Rp. 20.000

Hadiah yang diperebutkan:
Juara 1 : Cash Money Rp. 2,000.000,-
Juara 2 : Cash Money Rp. 1.250.000,-
Juara 3 : Cash Money Rp. 750.000,-

Informasi dan Pendaftaran:
1. Akhmad Pompom: 08561049350
2. Andrew M Raja : 085784966162
atau dapat ke Email: Cosplayvillage@indocosplay.com

selain itu bakalan ada performance dari Machipot Indonesia, Komutoku, AAC, Opera Pan Japan, IDR ( Indonesian Reenactors ), The ZAHAT team, Indo US Cosplay, JTOKU (TBC)

dan bakalan ada beberapa kompetisi seperti LEGO Build - A - Brick Competition dan TOMICA Track Competition.

Oya bagi yang datang dan menggunakan Costume dapat masuk ke event he Jakarta 8th Toys and Comic Fair secara GRATIS (apabila team penilai di GATE menyatakan itu costume or not )

so tunggu apalagi jangan lupa datang ya ke The Jakarta 8th Toys and Comic Fair.

English version

All you need to know about this year 8th Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair:

This year will be held in the TF in cosplay Cosplay Village village where there going to workshops on:
A. Costume making / Armor forming
2. Beauty or Make Up Princess
3. Make Up Horror
4. Hair Styling (wig or real hair)
5. Cosplay Photography

where the sources of this workshop is orang2x who had long been in the world of Cosplay, special effects.

it is also going to be such thing as The Fallen Heroes Corner is the first time in Indonesia where the space reserved by the Team and Committee IndoCosplay.com Cosplay special Village who want to make teman2x ngejual Costume, Property, and Accesoris Cosplay can be done here with the systems entrusted to sell, which the committee will charge 20% commission on every item from the selling price of Costume, Property, and Accesoris Cosplay.

Costume selling price of Rp. 200.000, -
Commission 20% of the price of costume
Costume then the selling price of Rp. 240 000

Facilities of The Fallen Heroes Corner is:
A. Team Sale
2. Costume Display, Property, and Accesoris Cosplay Cosplay Village during the event took place
3. Mannequin (numbers limited)

The following are things to be done by cosplayer who will use the facilities at The Fallen Heroes Corner:
A. Costume submit photos, Property, and Accesoris Cosplay
2. Provide sale price
3. prepare a plastic wrap dress / like
4. who want to hand over the goods sold to us no later than H-1 before Cosplay Village which is dated March 9, 2012

For further information please contact:
- Akhmad pompom on 08561049350

and of course there is Cosplay Contest which this year using the names Cosplay Cosplay Showdown @ Village - 8th Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012, Hours 18.00wib start - finish

Category: The Battle Royal

Registration Fee: Rp. 20 000

Prizes up for grabs:
Winner 1: Cash Money USD. 2,000.000, -
Winner 2: Cash Money USD. 1,250,000, -
Winner 3: Cash Money USD. 750.000, -

Information and registration:
1. Akhmad pompom: 08561049350
2. Andrew M King: 085784966162
or be able to Email: Cosplayvillage@indocosplay.com

other than that there is going Machipot performance of Indonesia, Komutoku, AAC, Opera Pan Japan, IDR (Indonesian Reenactors), The ZAHAT team, Indo U.S. Cosplay, JTOKU (TBC)

and there is some competition going like LEGO Build - A - Brick Track TOMICA Competition and Competition.

Anyway for those who come and use the Costume event he can get into the 8th Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair for FREE (if the assessor in the GATE team stating that costume or not)

so what are you waiting so do not forget to come to The Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair 8th.

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